Alexander P. Sah

Similar to other professional arenas, modern medicine is advancing at a rapid pace with new technologies.  However, the medical field differs because actual benefits need to withstand the test of time.  Short-term benefits have proven not to be the best indication of long-term success.  A number of techniques and implants have come and gone, and done so again, throughout the years only to repeat failures of the past.  Knowing this, we carefully and thoroughly evaluate each new technology through research, peer-reviewed studies, and collaboration with other experts prior to adoption.  We then continue evaluation of the advances with clinical research and outcomes data. Working closely with other thought leaders in the field allows continued evaluation and learning. In this manner, we can be confident to offer our patients the most advanced and safest surgeries and techniques available.

Our team approach and efficiencies allow us to provide consistently reliable and innovative care, with new technologies introduced carefully and seamlessly.  While our protocols provide standardization to optimize efficiency, our progam has the warmth and personal touch by a team that puts the patient first.  Patients often remark that the individual attention they receive is consistent from every careteam member.

I have a special interest in multimodal pain management to optimize patient pain control while minimizing opioid use.  Combined with less invasive surgery techniques and advances in blood sparing surgery and wound management, I have been able to develop a successful outpatient joint replacement program.  With some of the most experience nationally with partial knee replacement, and being the only surgeon at the Institute performing anterior hip replacement, I aim to offer the most advanced surgical options for my patients.  My involvement with research and leadership committees allows me to collaborate with my peers across the country to determine what service is the best and safest for our patients.